Professionals Who Can Help You with a Pro Se Divorce

If you’re considering filing your own divorce without a lawyer, you can still benefit from working with professionals who will help you to protect your rights and interests. Learn more about pro se divorce, and how to find the assistance you may need during this difficult time.

In general, a pro se divorce is usually advisable only when the action is uncontested. That means both spouses agree to the divorce, as well as the division of property and custody issues if there are children involved. If so, you may be able to represent yourself, and you may want to access these services to help you during the process:

Professionals Who Can Help You with a Pro Se Divorce

Legal Professionals:

Even if you don’t hire an attorney to represent you, you may want to consult with an attorney or other professionals to provide specific services such as legal research and reviewing your divorce agreement. Mistakes can cause extra expenses and delays, so you want to make corrections before filing.

Tax Professionals:

CPAs and other financial professionals can help you to understand your current finances and build a stable future. You may need to address your support needs and the short-term and long-term tax implications of your divorce agreement.


Many people underestimate the value of their home, and you may find that the judge in your case will require you to engage a professional licensed real estate appraiser so the court will have the information they need to decide on all the outstanding issues like property division and spousal support. For any high value personal property, you can usually find qualified appraisers by contacting a major auction house. Otherwise, most couples informally divide their household goods outside of court.

For more assistance with your divorce and all your future legal needs, contact us at ProAdvocate Group. We’re a Private Legal Membership Association that can help you to represent yourself in a court case instead of using a licensed attorney of law by becoming the attorney of record.