In civil cases, like landlord/tenant, tax, and business, there is no “right” to an attorney. That used to mean that if you found yourself in a civil suit, you had to either represent yourself with no knowledge of the law, or alternatively find an attorney. Attorneys can cost thousands in legal fees. Most will only take your case if you pay a retainer fee up front. That means that whether you win or lose, you still have to pay for representation. At ProAdvocate Group, we have created a third option: legal education and representing yourself “pro-se” backed by a community of expert attorneys.
What is “Pro-se”
Pro-se means on behalf of yourself. Instead of having an attorney argue on your behalf, you are in charge of your case. You get to decide how to argue your case.
Advantages of Pro-Se
Being the subject of a civil suit can be a costly expense, especially when it is something you didn’t prepare for. Or, if you want to bring a lawsuit against someone else, the cost of legal fees alone may sometimes prevent you from bringing forward a worthy claim. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.
At a time in history, practicing law was actually a skill that was learned. Attorneys would apprentice with a practicing attorney or judge. Today, only four states still allow aspiring lawyers to take the bar exam without actually going to law school. At ProAdvocate, we believe that with proper resources and commitment, you can learn how to represent yourself without the expense of legal fees.
At Pro Advocate Group, we ensure that you have all the tools you need if you want to represent yourself. When you become a member, you will have access to numerous documents. All the documents provided are thoughtfully considered by our team to be effective in winning your case.
Sometimes, you are your own best advocate. If you are ready to learn more, please contact us for more information.