Where Does Freedom of Speech End, and Right to Privacy Begin?

We hear a lot about the freedom of speech every day. Whether it’s protesters being shut down by the government of their home nation, discussions of bullying on the Internet, or even the question of whether or not public property can be used for religious displays, the issue of what you can express (and in what way … Read moreWhere Does Freedom of Speech End, and Right to Privacy Begin?

Expert Legal Help Without Going Bankrupt

Regular citizens who are charged with a crime can easily get lost in our confusing legal system. Although it is the backbone of this country’s judicial system, it is filled with outdated terminology and procedural rules. Utilizing the services of Pro-Advocate Group, a person can represent themselves. This is called Pro-Se Litigation. Being a non-lawyer … Read moreExpert Legal Help Without Going Bankrupt

Ways that You Could Protect Your Assets

When facing a lawsuit, civil penalty, tax lien, bankruptcy, or other significant financial issue, finding ways to protect your assets is very important. If your assets are not properly protected, you could risk losing them all. To ensure that you are properly protected, there are a number of different tips that could be followed that … Read moreWays that You Could Protect Your Assets

The Difference Between a Living Trust and a Will

Many people are not well prepared for their future. They don’t want to think about future so they don’t have a plan for their retirement. They also don’t want to deal with their death so they just go about living ignoring it. However, that is not the best course of action. You should have a … Read moreThe Difference Between a Living Trust and a Will

Situations When Pro-Se Litigation is a Better Option

If you are charged with a crime, you could be subject to a range of different penalties including fines, loss of certain privileges, and even imprisonment.  While all people are entitled to legal defense, some may prefer pursuing pro-se litigation in which they will defend themselves in court.  There are some advantages that come when … Read moreSituations When Pro-Se Litigation is a Better Option

What You Can Challenge with a Strategic Criminal Reversal

Being charged with a crime can be a very stressful experience. While the current legal system in place intends to assume innocence, there are situations in which the system does not work properly and you are convicted with a crime that you are innocent of. In many situations, a great option would be to pursue … Read moreWhat You Can Challenge with a Strategic Criminal Reversal

How Judgment Proofing Can Protect Your Assets

If you have fallen behind on a bill payment, your creditor will have the right to attempt to sue you and collect the past due amount through a judgment.  If approved, the creditor will have a variety of ways in which they can collect including withdrawing from your bank accounts, forcing you to sell assets, … Read moreHow Judgment Proofing Can Protect Your Assets

Protecting Your Assets Is Easier Than You Think

What is asset protection and why is it important? Asset protection is, as it sounds, keeping your assets safe from creditors. It is something that you do from the start so that in the event something happens your plan is already in place. It is important because you want to hang on to your money. … Read moreProtecting Your Assets Is Easier Than You Think